Same theme, different date

While this has only been our third spring here in the Virgin Islands, it has been abnormally wet using our small track record.  So wet in fact that a few workers returned to the site yesterday for the first time since my previous post.  So nothing was worked on for 9 days.  Nothing, well except that Emily and I continued to work on cypress.  May has basically been a wash out.  The only day it hasn’t rained in May was Thursday.  It doesn’t rain all day every day, but just a little bit of rain, with the ground being so saturated, creates a mess.

I spent both days last weekend moving three submersible pumps around the site trying to get rid of water.  I was fairly successful.  Of course I had everything outside drained and cleared on Saturday, then the early Sunday morning downpour wiped out much of what I had done on Saturday.  I did however dig a few drain channels on Saturday which helped make things a bit quicker for Sunday’s work.

One accomplishment for this week was finally selecting a window manufacturer.  We decided on Domus out of St. Kitts.  Estimated delivery June 30th.  I am not holding my breath though.



5/21/2011 - Electrical room under 5-6 feet of water

5/21/2011 - Electrical room under 5-6 feet of water

5/21/2011 - Rain, rain, rain

5/21/2011 - Rain, rain, rain

5/21/2011 - pod flooded

5/21/2011 - pod flooded

5/21/2011 - flooded under our deck

5/21/2011 - flooding under our deck


6 thoughts on “Same theme, different date

  1. ok… what can we do to swap weather cycles? we are not quite to the last severe drought of 2006, but we’re heading that way. big d got some good rains in may, but CCL lost more ground. we’re 3.5 feet low now.

  2. I would swap it in a heartbeat. Calling for rain all this week again, but we did have 4 good days last week, so it isn’t all bad. Earlier today they were calling for 10 inches over the next 30 hours. So far it has held off.

  3. Chad & Emily:

    Sorry we didn’t give you a call when we were on island in May. Still would love to see your home project. We s/b back in early September. BTW, we just had our solar pool pump system installed at our place at Villa Madeleine last Sat., June 6th. We had a $400 WAPA bill last month, with very little other usage, so I’m crossing my fingers that next month’s bill will justify our investment. Plus, we enjoy feeling “green”.


  4. Chad,

    Love the site – and it provides a nice escape from the daily grind at work. Keep the posts/pics coming. I’m really curious to see what the place will look like when it’s all finished.

    I still can’t believe that view . . . . . amazing.


  5. Mike, let us know when you get back on island. We should hopefully be working on finishes in the main house by then, assuming the it stops raining. Also let us know how the solar pool pump works out.

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