New Post Coming Soon

Quick update before I get to a bunch of photos in the next post.  Just wanted to update everyone that we are officially done with the “shell” of the house.  We started tiling last week and we have a good start on the interior painting.  All exterior windows and doors are in on the main and guest houses except the main front door.  All tile has been picked out and has arrived in St. Croix as of today.  Emily went with Hera (architect/interior designer) to San Juan two weeks ago and picked out all tile and granite for the house.  The only concrete work left is the driveway.

We have had some minor issues with the Judith’s Fancy HOA in regards to our fence, but that has all been worked through and the fence is up.

Here is a photo from my phone that I took last week.  More to come later this week/weekend.


5 thoughts on “New Post Coming Soon

  1. I have tons of new pics, just no time to get them uploaded. We are moving along, but not as fast as I would want. The interior tile is complete. The kitchen cabinets are semi-installed. We have been disappointed with Armrey thus far. All our electrical fixtures are in transit. Our vanities and guest kitchen cabinets are in transit. Our front door should be here soon. We are a bit stuck on interior doors. Most of our door sizes do not match what the drawings called out for, so that has been frustrating. 85% of the painting is complete, both interior/exterior. We are pushing to finish late December, but it will likely January. I will try to get some photos posted this weekend, but no promises.

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