As always, this post arrives a bit late. We moved in 4 weeks ago. It was probably a mistake as it has been a bit stressful trying to do “work work” while people around me are doing “house work”. But each day we are getting closer to having all the essentials completed. All the interior doors are up and the trim should be completed in the next few days. We had to build all our door frames because of all the crazy sizes. All counter-tops, vanities, and sinks are in except for the powder room. We are still waiting on some things from the Marble Shop out of San Juan that really should have shipped 2 months ago. It has been extremely difficult to work with them and I won’t recommend them to anyone. The AC units are finally all in. Not all functional yet, but all installed. They started installation in December and proceeded to come work on them in one hour increments since. I don’t get it. Main kitchen cabinets, same thing. They started before Thanksgiving and we still have a few drawers that don’t function as they should. The company seems to send a different worker each time they come out.
After finishing our pool we found we had a leak. The concrete work wasn’t done properly around the skimmer, so we had to remove all the tiles from that area, rework the concrete, apply a sealant, and re-tile. My pool guy does a decent job….when he shows up.
The house is a bit of a mess at the moment. Boxes everywhere. Dust everywhere. Dust dust dust. Everywhere. Fun stuff.
We put in for our final inspections last Tuesday. The plumbing inspector came out that same day. Structural and CZM (Coastal Zone Management) both came out Wednesday. We are now just waiting on electrical inspection. By getting our Certificate of Occupancy we can move off of the construction electric rates, turn on our solar panels, and move off of our construction loan to our 30-year loan.
The dogs and cat have settled in well. Besides the barking at all the people in and out of the house all day, they do seem to enjoy it here. We don’t have a front gate yet so I can’t let them out in the big yard without supervision, but they have the fenced back area for the time being.
Our first guests (my mother and her friend Deb) arrive next Wednesday. Unfortunately it doesn’t appear that the furniture is going to arrive on time for the guest house. Sorry Mom. 🙂

Pelicans have been cruising by my office window non-stop the past two weeks and dive-bombing for their meals right in front of the house.