We are still slogging along trying to get this house finished. We didn’t quite make Christmas, but now are shooting for mid to late January. We have to move out of our current rental at the end of this month, so a bunch of things need to happen quickly. The major items left to accomplish are 1) interior doors 2) vanity and guest kitchen cabinet install (scheduled for this week) 3) main house electrical fixture installs (scheduled for this week) 4) Garage Doors (still need to order), 5) granite fabrication and delivery from San Juan 6) plaster pool. Plus tons of minor items.
Emily and I both took last week off from work and worked on the house basically for 10 straight days, usually 10 hour days. We got a bunch accomplished. The guest house was powered on Friday and most of the fixtures installed which was a major milestone for us. The electrical room was also powered which means we now have running water to all the toilets, showers, and hose bibs (no sinks installed yet).
We have on average gone to Home Depot three times a week since they opened September 15th. It has been a blessing to St. Croix, but they are having issues keeping items in stock. The supply chain needs reworked.
We made it through hurricane season unscathed. Hooray.
We are over budget, but not horrendously.
We used 620+ yards of concrete during construction.
We just surpassed the year mark.
Emily and I are still married and don’t have any plans of divorcing.
The US Virgin Islands soccer team didn’t fare too well in the second round losing all six of our games, 2 each to Haiti, Curacao, and Antigua & Barbuda. But I did manage to play in 5 of the 6 games.
Anyway, here is a random sampling of photos from September 2011. I will add additional photos in future posts.

9/11/2011 - Fill Dirt - Some of the 900+ yards of fill dirt we hauled in. And we had a relatively flat lot. I still don't understand.

9/11/2011 - Still staining cypress, almost done.

9/15/2011 - Home Depot arrives and changes our purchasing habits dramatically

September 2011 - Our plumbers Frenchie and Pete

September 2011 - Guest house roof work

September 2011 - Drywall work begins

September 2011 - Plaster work on guest house and garage

September 2011 - Plaster work on guest house interior

September 2011 - This trailer hadn't been moved in 9 months

September 2011 - What we looked like at the end of September

September 2011 - Future walkway and yard